Ingredients: 2 cups mashed sweet potatoes (2 large) Olive oil for cooking sweet potato 1 1/2 cooked brown rice (I added more - about 2 cups in total) 1 cup salted black beans - I used canned 1/2 cup diced green onion 1/2 cup walnut or pecan meal (I used very finely chopped walnut) 2 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp smoked paprika 1/4 tsp chipotle powder 1 tbsp brown sugar (optional but I did add this) Salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut sweet potatoes in half and rub with olive oil. Place face down on a foil lined baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes.
Set this aside and turn your oven down to 375 degrees F.
2. While the potatoes are baking, cook your rice or quinoa
3. Add the black beans to a mixing bowl and mash half of them. This will give the burgers texture. Add the sweet potato. I literally squeeze the flesh out of the skin! Beautiful! Gently mash and then add 1 cup of the rice, green onion, spices and whatever nut meal you chose. Taste and if too wet add more rice or nut mixture. It should be moist but easy to mold.
4. Lightly grease a baking sheet
5. Mold your mixture into patties.
6. Bake burgers for 30-45 minutes, carefully flipping at 20 min. The longer you bake, the dryer they will get. It’s your preference.
7. Serve on your choice of bun (I used a gluten free bun) and add whatever toppings you desire.
I enjoyed vegan Swiss cheese, tomato slices, beet hummus, avocado, and lettuce. The flavours were wonderful together!
I don’t typically bake anything right away. I make burgers for freezing. I wrap each patty in foil greased with olive oil and put them in the freezer. That way I can pull one out when I want it.
These burgers do well in the oven but you can BBQ too. I would try not to handle the patty too much & cook on a lower temperature grill.
A Good Friday morning run complete with sunshine! Thanks Alex and Mia for a wonderful run!
Another Bay race completed! We were so lucky to have the day we had weather wise! It was a lovely race and I am thankful for our fiends Mia, Bob and my sister Suzanne who came out to cheer us on! Fantastic to see Allison and Sarah in our run coral as well!!!
Now back into the trails for the May 50. But not before a few days of R&R! Congratulations to Alex and Grace for an awesome run and to a those that were out yesterday!!!
And again a huge thank you to the countless volunteers!!
Here we go again… another Bay race! Wishing all the runners a great race today! And thank you to the countless volunteers that make this race possible!!!
What a beautiful getaway ! Our rental was everything we wanted (and more) and the skiing/conditions were fabulous! Calabogie is a beautiful area, a nice hill and our cabin in the woods- well again we couldn’t have been happier!!!
The holidays are just around the corner. Are you still reluctantly wondering through the malls trying to find that perfect gift? Or maybe your looking for something for yourself?
Why not give a gift that will bring your loved one or you wellness, strength and a commitment to personal care?
A gift that will be around long after the trees, lights, and baubles are all put away. Make 2023 a year to achieve your fitness goals!
You choose either on line or in person in your own home!
Reach out to me - for more information on Personal Training and wellness coaching!
“Together We Will”
Happy 16th BBH - we ❤️ you!!!
Odd I thought I posted and it went to Facebook. Move into Brock a success! Rowing started last week, classes start this week! Woot woot to 2022-23!!!
And just like that, he’s moved into res for the start of his university education at Brock! So easy … everyone so supportive and kind ! Rowing started last week and he was billeted at the senior’s house for the week! Go Badgers!
Making good food choices does not have to be limited to eating at home. My sister, our boys and I have been away all week and we have enjoyed good healthy foods all week - with some scrumptious treats thrown in for some away fun!
Watermelon - the fruit of the summer is packed with lycopene - the most of any fruit/veg! It also contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin A and C! Boasts antioxidants and contains citrulline - an amino acid which may improve exercise performance!
So being away doesn’t have to mean an over abundance of junk food indulgence! Make the same good choices as you would at home! Make your food fun and make it work for you!!!
The boys!!!!
Gardens are blooming all over! The woods show off their wild flowers and trees their leaves. Tulips are still in show but making way for what’s coming next. Gardens cleaned, new dirt added readying for natures next adventures!
Ever wonder what the benefit of gardening is to you?
The first one that comes to my mind is the physical fitness piece! Bending, squatting, reaching, pulling, digging, twisting! You are actually working your full body! Core, upper body, lower body! I bet sometimes you don’t even notice you have a sweat on!! Congratulations you just worked out!
The second one that I always think about is how good I feel during and after being in my gardens. I love the work. I love the satisfaction of cleaning up - preparing the soil for what is to come!
And who doesn’t love the planting stage!!! All this provides us with a healthy mental state - an excitement and a fulfillment of a job well done!
And a good dose of Vitamin D - a huge benefit to your bones and immune system!
So go out and play in some dirt! And remember to have fun!
Welcome to Monday. Yes it’s raining but don’t let that put a damper on your exercise. Why not try indoor stair climbing!
* promotes cardiovascular fitness
* convenient and easily accessible
* promotes healthy bones and lowers the risk of osteoporosis
* fires up the lower body muscles
* engages your core muscles like mad
* helps to burn body fat
So get into your exercise clothes, lace up those trainers, pump up the music and climb away!
Want or need more? Reach out!
#Together We Will!
Are you distracted by life’s commitments? Beating yourself up about missed workouts? I can help you keep your goals with accountability appointments with me! Send me an email and we can start building your fitness future!
#Together we will!
Congratulation to all those runners who ran!! And to all the spectators who cheered on their athletes! And the many volunteers who made the race possible! And on a personal note, to all my group who helped me and all the folks that took the time to wish me well!!!You are all winners!
See you next year for the 129th anniversary!
The oldest race in North America is back in action this Sunday! As a participant in the 30 k, I am excited to be a member of this pack and am looking forward to participating in some good chats with fellow runners along the way - and hoping to see some of my own friends!
Thanking all the spectators that will flock the streets to cheer, ring cow bells and wave their signs! Thank you in advance as it always does help!
And thanks in advance to my group who I will also see!
And mainly, wishing all the fabulous runners a great race! Have fun and enjoy!!!
I am a morning person. Up early. Today is Saturday March 19 … it’s my birthday… also a run morning with my group but not until 9. So what do I do in the meantime, make some vegan apple fritters for later!!! I know I know health, wellness, sensible eating .. but hey on your special day, you need to “live large.”
Have a great Saturday all!!!!
Did you know…
Regular exercise has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are two major risk factors for heart disease.
So keep your heart happy and healthy by moving your body daily!!!
Visit for all your fitness needs.
Happy Friday!
Fun fit fact #4
Did you know, a pound of muscle burns 3 times more calories than a pound of fat?
Just one more reason to exercise!!!
Have a fabulous fitness day!!!
Happy Wednesday from Heather Hurst Fitness!
Fun fit fact #3: exercise helps prevents signs of aging! Now who doesn’t want that? Feel fit, young and happy!!!!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Tuesday from Heather Hurst Fitness
Fun fit fact #2: music improves workout performance!
So crank your tunes and move your body!!! Will being you joy and wellness!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Monday! Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day devoted to the happiness of the heart! Feed it with fitness! Feed it with excitement!!! Feed it with fun! How about Personal training? Reach out through my website at!
Need a Fun fit fact? Exercise improves brain function!!!
“Together We Will”
Today I got out and did a run even though I didn’t feel like it. So I am patting myself on the back for my determination to my sport. If you are confused by my words, jump over to the post on Olympics.
So good for me… what about you? Fresh air and sunshine is promised for tomorrow and Sunday so take advantage! Relieve stress through nature and sunshine!!!
Hey ever wonder about water? How much to drink? What does it look like if you don’t get enough? Too much? Head over to my water post! Let me know what you think? Send a msg … comment!
Have a great day!
Are you missing your gym? Don't know how to work out on your own? Need some direction and motivation with a healthy dose of fun?? I can help! For those that don’t know me, I am a long time personal trainer and the owner of Heather Hurst Fitness. I love wellness, exercise, recipes and I especially love to share. Vegan? Me too. Hip replacement? Me too! Over 50? Me too! We can use Zoom and when life is safer I am happy to come to your home, or if you prefer, stay with zoom. Jump over to my website at and enjoy some recipes, stories, photos and experiences. Send me an email and ask me lots of questions. I'm excited to hear from you!!!
It’s an ahhhhh moment when these two share!
Sammie didn’t boot her off!!! It’s a NY miracle!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Our New Years was spent picking up a new pup. Audrey is 8 weeks old and 1 of 7 pups born to a lovely Springer Spaniel and a handsome dog who visited from the farm a few doors down. We had thought we would wait … that is until we met her. And we fell in love. The breeders were kind and we had good chats about canoeing and camping and dogs!
Our Sammie is in the “I don’t care” stage so hopefully that changes.
My New Years post was going to be about embracing change and challenges and all that stuff but I think 🤔 this new addition trumps all!
I sadly didn’t make it to midnight last night but I did get to sleep with a crying pup on my floor for a few hours this morning when she wouldn’t go into the cage. It’s like having a baby all over again! Sheesh.
So wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2022! Let’s not dwell on the crap we have around us, but celebrate everything fun that keeps us happy!
I wasn’t going to make coffee right away. It was 4 am and while I had a few “chores” to do, I was really planning on going back to sleep. Our boys are older. They don’t get up early like they used to.
Sammie, our yellow lab got up at 5:15, went outside, had breakfast and promptly went back to bed. Darn dog being able to sleep whenever!
When I realized sleep was not going to visit me again this morning, I put a pot of coffee on. I pulled out our favourite Christmas books and re-read.
I got caught up on email.
I should have run but it was raining and the coffee was ready.
The tree is glowing with lights. The house is incredibly quiet - the only sounds are of Stuart, Our second skinny pig enjoying the piece of apple I gave him.
We lost our BB (my rescued house sparrow) a few weeks ago. I was able to pass on her cage to someone in time for Christmas. I sit here thinking about her and if she were still with us, she would be sitting on the laptop enjoying the warmth of the keyboard. I miss her.
I am not going to reflect on the year - yet. I actually may not go through this mental motion at all. We all know what the year gave us - no need to revisit.
What I will remember though is how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family, kind and loving friends, the ability to exercise and do what I love to do as the owner of Heather Hurst Fitness. How ever the year presented, that’s a pretty good life!
So from our family to yours, here’s wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season and may the love that you share today, carry you through always. 🎄 ❤️
Our boys and sweet Zoe!!!
Almost Christmas 🎄!!!!
Happy Halloween 👻 🎃
This was amazing! “Seeing the Invisible” at the RBG with my mom and sister! Such an experience!!!!!
Happy birthday 🥳 to Lil, my mom in law! 95 years young!!!! She said she has 10 more years in her!!! 🎈 🎉
The beginning of the planting season brought with it lots of excitement and planning. Trying new things this year was my focus. One of them, cantaloupe! I picked one to take on our Sauble trip! So fun to have success! But I had some that didn’t quite live up to expectations too. But you know what… that was ok. At least I gave them a try. And one never knows, I may try some again next year. The biggest harvest was the tomatoes… then cucumbers in second. Oh let’s not forget the garlic and the spring onions! Lettuce? Mmm the rabbits enjoyed! And always success with spices!
Enjoy your fall harvest whatever it is!
The magic of nature!!!
What a race! So hard! So hot! Thanks to Grace for her support in getting me through … Mia for coming out and running with me at the beginning, Mandy for my present and for seeing me cross the finish line and to family and friends for all the support and kindness! That was a hard 50k!
Rock at the Rock… well done RBG! My Mom and I have been sharing out garden and RBG love for many many years - and even though Alzheimer’s messes with her thoughts, her love of plants and flowers is still there!
Our deepest congratulations and love to our wonderful nephew Dave and his beautiful bride Liv… and of course their Frankie! We are so happy for you all! Thank you Eden for texting me the photo!!!! Love to you all!!!!
The magic of Algonquin Park! This year’s destination was Lake Louisa! Thank you for another great trip!
Recently I joined a ladies gold league. I was asked in previous years to join by my friend who kept assuring me I would love it. I lacked the confidence in my game. I thought the other members would get frustrated by my inconsistency in my game and it kept me from joining. This year I threw caution to the wind and signed up. The best decision ever! I am confident in my game but when it’s not a great game I don’t fret. There is always one…or two good shots that remind me golf is a lifelong struggle and I can learn something from every game! And I walk…and I feel strong and fit and the fresh air gives my head some love!
BB is all done her early morning workout - Now time for a nap!
Great 1/2 marathon trail … lots of elevation…. Had a bit of a bonk for a bit but got it back with the help of a gel. However by then I was behind Grace.
Hey run gang… isn’t this a nice bench?!
2nd shot - check! A huge thanks to all the employees and volunteers for making our experience so easy and stress free!!! You are all so greatly appreciated!!!! #givethanksforhealth
Photos from my Canada 🇨🇦 day run!!! Trails I continue to Love run after run, bike after hike! Forever grateful for what we have.
This run was meant to be 20 k but after a bit I realized I just didn’t have it this morning…so we just had fun! Stopped to take photos… did some great hill climbs…enjoyed the trails! Thanks Grace for a great morning!!!
We ran the race in May. And we ran it not on the road but in our lovely trails that we are so lucky to have! My race kit came last week. The races have not been the same of course but I have enjoyed the training and the race day and the excitement of finishing the distance and then the receiving of the medal, shirt and bib. Not in the usual way but hey nothing usual about this year. So thank you to Tamarack Ottawa Marathon for doing the best you can to provide us runners with a fun goal!!!!
We go from birth to being 17 years old today! Happy day to you Quin!!! To an amazingly kind, generous, personable, devoted, smart, talented, creative person! We are so very proud of all you have done! Your love of life, rowing, theatre, music, skateboarding, karate and most of all fun!!! We love you so very much!!!
Forgot this pic!
Great ride with Bob and Mandy!!! Thanks!!!
Last week we were cycling in all the winter gear and this week, +30 degrees!! Such a great ride! Thanks Mandy and Bob!!!!
First vaccine for Quin and Luke - check!
I am always grateful for these trails and for my friends who share my love of running. Thanks to Grace yesterday for another great run!!! 21 k in the trails lifts my spirits and gives me strength! #runtrailsforfun #heatherhurstfitness #friendswholovetorun
I am so grateful to all the employees who have worked around the clock to make this vaccine process go as smooth as it did. I got my second dose today at First Ontario Place and it couldn’t have been easier!!! I am so thankful!!!!!
Golf! I golfed yesterday! This was the first year I joined a ladies league and I played my first game last evening! I have golfed for many years but admittedly not well. I can usually hold my own with a few good shots. And that’s what has kept me interested- sometimes more interested than other times! Thankfully for me my few good shots were at the end of the round - those are the ones most remembered! And I played with two amazing women both whom I will look forward to playing with again! But truly it was just so nice to walk the course, enjoy good conversation and good exercise! I was very grateful for such a wonderful opportunity and am already looking forward to the next game!! Four! PS: my old glove bit the dust and I treated myself to this nice new one - and two very bright very tall tees!!!!
Ahhh a morning walk with the intrepid Sammie ...stalking the wide open fields for the illusive squirrel beast! She is aware the heat is upon us and stalks with purpose! #heatherhurstfitness #Sammiemorningfun
Another beautiful run in the trails. We are so blessed to have all this beauty at our doorstep. I never take the trails for granted and always treat it with the respect and gratitude it deserves. The most inexpensive and enjoyable way to re-set my brain!!!!
Once there were 3 ... I flew away and then there were two....
We had it all didn’t we Grace! Our road run of 38 km started in rain, then moved into terrible winds which never seemed to let up! In my head I was thinking about who could pick us up! Even though I knew we would never bail! Ha ha!!! I never take for granted the power of a friend!!!! Even though we don’t always talk, we know each other is there to support!!! #heatherhurstfitness #friendshipandrunning #beattheweatheragain #anothergreatrun
My only employee- our Sammie! She doesn’t work very hard but she sure does the rest part well!!!
Friend time while doing the thing you love best while wearing a new hat given to you by another friend ... wow doesn’t get much better!!!!
No ice!!!! What a difference a few days make! Monarch is ice free!!! But not mud free !!
Running 35k with a friend is the best therapy!!! Thank you Grace for a fantastic run!!!!
Man that was tough ! 28 km in this snow today! Never stopped ... no traction, deep, wow! But Grace and I managed and finished so big pats on the back!!!
And part two of my lunch time outing , my Sammie time!!
My lunchtime run gave me this... beautiful snow, bright sunshine and remarkable trails! Exercise never lets me down ... always lifts my spirits and provides me with gratitude and love! The fresh air is magic ... do your best today to enjoy what nature is offering us!
I watched the Inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden and the Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the first woman, Black person and Asian American VP of the Unites States. I admit, I had feelings of hope, and happiness feelings of future mendings and of two countries coming together to work together to fight the challenges that face us today. It brought tears to my eyes.
The boys watched on their break and while in the car on our way to the Orthodontist, we listened. What a great speech. They have their challenges for sure. But so do we. And to bring this back into our own backyard, we have our own challenges and our own hope that all we are doing today to stay safe will pay off tomorrow.
And sometimes we have to take a step back from the uneasiness of the world to look inside ourselves to figure out what we need - what we need to feel good - emotionally, mentally, physically. We know physical fitness can provide us with amazing treatments that allow us to get through our days. Walking, running, doing a workout using whatever you have in your house to help you move. Movement gives us strength- not just in our bodies but in our minds! Use your body to help keep your mind at peace and and keep your person in happiness.
I believe so strongly in the above statement ... movement brings us strength! Embrace it and challenge yourself to help yourself! And remember we can all use some help!
Reach out anytime 💚
Happy New year! I bought our clan matching pjs in the hopes of achieving and capturing that amazing family know the one you see all in the commercials or on Facebook! So I finally, on the last night of the tree, begged my family to get their pjs on... pulled all the creatures in (except BB as she decided she wanted to be in her cage) and hoped for the best! So from our family to yours, happy New Year!!!! May health and happiness be with you always!!!!
Today I ran as Santa. I accepted the suit and position with pride and
excitement. It's true that whomever puts on the suit, becomes Santa. It's
not the person inside the suit always but the suit itself that helps to
create a feeling of love and of generosity! As soon as got on Main street
the horns a started. Waves and shouts out of car windows! Hello Santa...way
to go Santa!!! I waved and waved and waved! It was like being in my own
I made it up the Ancaster Hill and just got into the village.
"Hello Santa." A Mother holding her young son's hand were coming out of one
of the streets. The little boy, maybe 3 eyes as big as saucers, "hello
Santa." I stopped and bent down to him. Hello! I said. We chatted. Mostly me
to him - he just nodded. He was so excited. Children at that age really have
the certainty I wish us adults had! Sure I had on the costume, even the
beard but if he was older he would have known it was just a person running
in a costume with a water bladder strapped on her back. But to him, I was
Santa!!! It was magical.
My phone rang at one point - it was the head elf from the North Pole - AKA
my Dad. You always take the call when the head Elf calls! So then I was
running as Santa, waving at the beeping cars and talking to my Dad at the
same time!
I continued along my parade path, waving and smiling! I flipped around at
10km and came back the same way. On the way back down the hill I was
stopped by two hikers. They asked if they could take my photo. They said
they knew Kelly, who is the director of VRPro, who's suit I was wearing and
who's (10km)virtual race I was doing. They were so kind and we chatted for a
few minutes before I headed for home.
I think I may run as Santa again. It was truly a magical 20k!
My Sunday was filled with painting, cleaning, organizing and eating!!! I must have consumed about 1/4 of the tub of peanut butter along with anything I could dip in ...starting with a spoon. I moved to a “wee” (ha ha) bit of vegan ice cream before going back to coffee. And this was only half way through the day.
Today is Monday. A new day. I owned the food I ate the day before, I enjoyed it and I am moving on.
We all make some pretty sketchy food decisions sometimes in to every whim and fancy. Telling ourselves we deserve this.
It’s ok to treat sometimes. Have it. Enjoy it. Then move back to the healthy you! Healthy you will thank you for it!
Happy Monday!
By the way, I turned my Sunday eating around at dinner! My tummy was grateful for that decision!
“Live simply so others can simply live. “
What does that mean to you? For some of us it means paring down our extras and extravagances and living “off the grid.” For others it may mean cutting back on things we think we have to do but really we don’t. And maybe for others it just means trying to live without stresses. Hard to do ... especially right now.
I am a do-er. Adding more to my plate when my plate is already too full; thats me. Then being annoyed when completion is not possible.
My 94 year old mother-in-law quotes the above statement all the time. It’s where I got it from. I don’t know where she got it from. It makes a lot of sense and it makes you think.
“Live simply so others can simply live.” Mmm something to think about while on a run, walk, bike or workout!
Good morning friends! Again another great day! + 13 at 5:30? Wow! I didn’t get out until 6:30 in shorts and t! Could be the last warm one! Get out and enjoy it! As my friend Dan always says ...”the hardest thing is just getting out the door.” #heatherhurstfitness
Hello Helen Vanderburg! #canfitpro2020
Happy 😃 🎂 birthday to our lovely Mother Elaine!! She has Alzheimer’s but is functioning and living well in Meadowlands retirement. We have and continue to do whatever we are able to visit with her, talk with her and Zoom with her! Can’t wait to see her today, in an outside designated space, while wearing a mask, one by one! Whatever it takes!!! Xoxo
I never get tired of running on the Monarch trail. I have been running and walking on this trail for more years than I can remember. I have tripped multiple times on the same root even though I know where it is and have stumbled and slid head first into another tree. And ... believe it or not, I have run right into a fallen tree, with my noggin which knocked me backwards all because I was watching the little bugs on the path! I know brutal.
When we rescued our yellow lab - Sammie - she used to run with me on the shorter runs. She knew exactly where she was going and always had to be in front. She knew every puddle and every stream and frequented them all.
Now she is older and has arthritis and sadly doesn’t run with me anymore. But I still have the “Monarch hikers” asking about her! Kindness!!
The leaves are all off the trees now. They blanket the trails and the paths. It really is beautiful - even with the November bareness. My Mother never liked the month of November - even though my twin siblings birthday is in November and her own. She always thought it was dull. She loves colour! Spring surprises and summer blooms!
I kinda like it. It’s Nature getting ready for what’s to come. It’s preparing the creatures and preparing us. The flora and fauna are given a rest. Taking a well deserved break before the pressures of Spring return.
So today’s run, like all the others, having me stopping to take pictures. Just one more, I say to myself. Then I turn an oh so familiar corner and there it is - the best photo and another and another. You get the “picture.”
So ever have one of those runs where you are enjoying it so much and you feel like your running at the speed of light only to get back and realized you were not fast at all? Today was my day!!!! But it sure was pretty!
According to the radio this morning, it’s National Sandwich Day! It’s also National take your Skinny Pig Harry for a pedicure day! Ok so the latter may not really be a Nationally recognized day ...but in our home it was decided there was a real need. When your Skinny Pig starts hiding his legs under his body, he needs a pedi! So off we went to the pocket-pet vet! And today at dinner time, I decided to abide by the same day declaration and constructed a big vegan sandwich!! Both events were certainly big treats! May I suggest you create your own National day and enjoy every minute! We all deserve some fun!
COVID-19, to say the very least has changed all of us. It's stopped us from
doing all the things we love to do...stopped us from living our life the way
we used to live...stopped us from seeing our friends and loved ones. Our
Mother Elaine is at Meadowlands Retirement home in Ancaster. There are of
course restrictions to keep her and the other residents safe. It's
frustrating and sad for us...and for our Mother who feels stuck. However
Meadowlands, as well as I am sure many other senior residences are doing a
great job keeping our folks safe and healthy. We must be patient and
appreciative of their efforts. My siblings and I are so grateful to the
staff and to be able to schedule distanced meetings with our Mom. I go in
excited, happy and enthusiastic. If I enter the space with frustration and
negativity, my Mother will pick up on this and will also be sad.
Remember, positivity breeds positivity .... Laughter brings on more laughter
and smiles makes everyone feel good!!!!!
Who biked today besides my gang and I?! Don’t let the minus temperatures scare you off. Dress for it and get out! You will not be disappointed! And as my friend Dan always says ...the hardest thing is just getting out the door.
Happy 😊 👻 Halloween 🎃!!
There are days when the time just keeps getting away from you and you begin to think you can’t get your run in. But you go out anyway...put the earbuds in that your borrowed from your son and listen to a few or many Stuart McLean stories. The run is lovely. And while it’s not exciting, it’s enjoyable and calming and you laugh out loud while listening to one story after another - and the kms click by!!
Some folks asked me about the progress of my painting. I got all the doors and trim done. Now on to the next section!! (Not tonight though)
Good morning all!! My mom-in-law Lil was 94 years young yesterday! Obviously we celebrated! I believe in birthdays - a great reason to enjoy a day just for YOU! There is only one day out of 365 that is put aside for YOU! And when you get to Lil’s age, it’s definitely cause for a party!
So when your day comes, make sure you take the time. Because YOU deserve it!!!
Hello friends! Looking for a light snack? I found these in Fortinos - Pop Corners! They are crunchy and lightly salted; a nice alternative to chips! I picked up the sea salt one and the sweet and salty. Obviously the later has cane sugar but still not as bad as Potato chips. I am not knocking the chip - at times there is nothing like it. But if you are like me and always looking for healthy(er) alternate, this one is pretty good!
Lil’s 94th birthday celebration!!!! Lorraine, Lil and I!!!! Wonderful woman wonderful celebration!!
My usual mid week running routine was always one that had me out before the sun. I got used to running in the dark ...before the city woke up. Then my schedule changed and I was able to change to a more human time!
This morning I waited for a short bit, had a very early cup of coffee and watched as the sun first started to wake! I was treated to a sky portrait of various colours and designs...being created as I ran! I will remember this when I am feeling indifferent to early outings! Whatever your exercise of choice, try to experience some early morning magic!! You won’t be disappointed!
We are all looking to change..change our way of thinking...change the way we deal with our new life...change our body...our hair...our clothes.
How about the literal change? How about doing something fun that will bring you instant satisfaction and a great feeling of accomplishment. How about painting!!!! I don’t mean learning to paint a picture although that can be fun too. I mean painting a wall or two! Unleashing your creativity you didn’t even know you had.
I bought paint in the summer. Door/trim paint as well as a colour I was going to take through the entire upper level. An overwhelming project. So the paint sat unused in the corner - hidden away from my guilt. Until today!
I cycled with my group this morning. Came home and after my coffee got all my supplies out. I listened to a football game on the TV. I don’t watch football or know anything about who was playing but the excitement of the announcers kept me going.
And if you think you don’t get a workout in while painting are mistaken! Functional training friends! Lunging, squatting, overhead lifts, oblique twists, stretching
...It’s all there!
So have some fun...enjoy yourself and after you are done you can congratulate yourself on the change you just made!
Today I am grateful for nature! I love to run ...and I love the trails. But today became a day where so many other things came before running. When I finally got out I only had a small amount of time. I was ok with that. But then my legs didn’t want to work that hard. So instead of being annoyed, I decided to just take in all the nature that surrounded me! So I will not worry about how poorly I ran or that I didn’t get in my long run, but will be thankful for having the opportunity to take in nature’s movie! Peace to all!!!
Forgot a couple. Not great pics but ...the photographer was an volunteer! Ha ha
Happy Thursday! We had a puppy party this morning! Very exclusive guest list. Sammie, Lazer, Luke and I! What excitement! No music was played, no dancing was done, only dog biscuits were served and only to the 4-legged guests..but boy it was truly a blast!
I highly suggest mimicking this event - great exercise for the body and soul! Party on Sammie...Party on Lazer!
Hello Monarch my old friend! Your beauty never ceases to amaze me and my run matched your leaves - golden! The only downfall ...I kept stopping to take pictures!!
You know times have changed when you are so excited to receive an original “Christine Conroy” mask in the mail!!! I love it! Thank you!
Looking for a pick me up! Go get your toes done - add a fun design. My choice for October was black with a spiderweb! Add your sister into the mix and you have a beautiful hour!!!
Don’t put your bikes away yet! We enjoyed a fabulous ride on roads I had never been on to see sites I have not encountered! My cycling began about 8 years ago. It was meant to be a change from running, to give my deteriorating hip a break...who knew i would fall in love so much! And no I ever stopped running, added Triathlons and half Ironman races into the mix, had my hip replaced and picked up where I left off! Thankful for my health and for this day! Looking to many more explorative rides!
We’re not afraid of a little rain!!!! No way! We don’t shy away from the rain - we have fun in it! 25km run worth of fun with a run through Sherman Falls! Thanks Grace For another great morning run with lots of elevation and beautiful scenery- and the best company!
Need to feel zippy again but not sure how? What about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new ...or better yet, re-try something you have attempted before. I think mine will be! I am going to re-visit yoga! Wish me luck! #thefitnessperscription #yogaagain
Meet Lucky - the Vegan Turkey! He safely and happily takes his place annually on our table! Just about time for him to leave for another year. Have a great year Lucky! See ya next year!
Sammie watching BB or BB watching Sammie? And of course our Harry!!! #skinnypiglove
#Happy Thanksgiving or #Happy Sunday.
To me Sunday’s have always been the day of rest - the day of no training -the day of being with family. It meant listening to Stuart McLean on CBC at noon. Sometimes baking. Today is no different. I now must listen to stories on CD. This is my baking. An healthy alternative to pie ! A GF, Vegan apple crisp! I will post the recipe!
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A Good Friday morning run complete with sunshine! Thanks Alex and Mia for a wonderful run!
Another Bay race completed! We were so lucky to have the day we had weather wise! It was a lovely race and I am thankful for our fiends Mia, Bob and my sister Suzanne who came out to cheer us on! Fantastic to see Allison and Sarah in our run coral as well!!!
Now back into the trails for the May 50. But not before a few days of R&R! Congratulations to Alex and Grace for an awesome run and to a those that were out yesterday!!!
And again a huge thank you to the countless volunteers!!
Here we go again… another Bay race! Wishing all the runners a great race today! And thank you to the countless volunteers that make this race possible!!!
What a beautiful getaway ! Our rental was everything we wanted (and more) and the skiing/conditions were fabulous! Calabogie is a beautiful area, a nice hill and our cabin in the woods- well again we couldn’t have been happier!!!
The holidays are just around the corner. Are you still reluctantly wondering through the malls trying to find that perfect gift? Or maybe your looking for something for yourself?
Why not give a gift that will bring your loved one or you wellness, strength and a commitment to personal care?
A gift that will be around long after the trees, lights, and baubles are all put away. Make 2023 a year to achieve your fitness goals!
You choose either on line or in person in your own home!
Reach out to me - for more information on Personal Training and wellness coaching!
“Together We Will”
Happy 16th BBH - we ❤️ you!!!
Odd I thought I posted and it went to Facebook. Move into Brock a success! Rowing started last week, classes start this week! Woot woot to 2022-23!!!
And just like that, he’s moved into res for the start of his university education at Brock! So easy … everyone so supportive and kind ! Rowing started last week and he was billeted at the senior’s house for the week! Go Badgers!
Making good food choices does not have to be limited to eating at home. My sister, our boys and I have been away all week and we have enjoyed good healthy foods all week - with some scrumptious treats thrown in for some away fun!
Watermelon - the fruit of the summer is packed with lycopene - the most of any fruit/veg! It also contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin A and C! Boasts antioxidants and contains citrulline - an amino acid which may improve exercise performance!
So being away doesn’t have to mean an over abundance of junk food indulgence! Make the same good choices as you would at home! Make your food fun and make it work for you!!!
The boys!!!!
Gardens are blooming all over! The woods show off their wild flowers and trees their leaves. Tulips are still in show but making way for what’s coming next. Gardens cleaned, new dirt added readying for natures next adventures!
Ever wonder what the benefit of gardening is to you?
The first one that comes to my mind is the physical fitness piece! Bending, squatting, reaching, pulling, digging, twisting! You are actually working your full body! Core, upper body, lower body! I bet sometimes you don’t even notice you have a sweat on!! Congratulations you just worked out!
The second one that I always think about is how good I feel during and after being in my gardens. I love the work. I love the satisfaction of cleaning up - preparing the soil for what is to come!
And who doesn’t love the planting stage!!! All this provides us with a healthy mental state - an excitement and a fulfillment of a job well done!
And a good dose of Vitamin D - a huge benefit to your bones and immune system!
So go out and play in some dirt! And remember to have fun!
Welcome to Monday. Yes it’s raining but don’t let that put a damper on your exercise. Why not try indoor stair climbing!
* promotes cardiovascular fitness
* convenient and easily accessible
* promotes healthy bones and lowers the risk of osteoporosis
* fires up the lower body muscles
* engages your core muscles like mad
* helps to burn body fat
So get into your exercise clothes, lace up those trainers, pump up the music and climb away!
Want or need more? Reach out!
#Together We Will!
Are you distracted by life’s commitments? Beating yourself up about missed workouts? I can help you keep your goals with accountability appointments with me! Send me an email and we can start building your fitness future!
#Together we will!
Congratulation to all those runners who ran!! And to all the spectators who cheered on their athletes! And the many volunteers who made the race possible! And on a personal note, to all my group who helped me and all the folks that took the time to wish me well!!!You are all winners!
See you next year for the 129th anniversary!
The oldest race in North America is back in action this Sunday! As a participant in the 30 k, I am excited to be a member of this pack and am looking forward to participating in some good chats with fellow runners along the way - and hoping to see some of my own friends!
Thanking all the spectators that will flock the streets to cheer, ring cow bells and wave their signs! Thank you in advance as it always does help!
And thanks in advance to my group who I will also see!
And mainly, wishing all the fabulous runners a great race! Have fun and enjoy!!!
I am a morning person. Up early. Today is Saturday March 19 … it’s my birthday… also a run morning with my group but not until 9. So what do I do in the meantime, make some vegan apple fritters for later!!! I know I know health, wellness, sensible eating .. but hey on your special day, you need to “live large.”
Have a great Saturday all!!!!
Did you know…
Regular exercise has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are two major risk factors for heart disease.
So keep your heart happy and healthy by moving your body daily!!!
Visit for all your fitness needs.
Happy Friday!
Fun fit fact #4
Did you know, a pound of muscle burns 3 times more calories than a pound of fat?
Just one more reason to exercise!!!
Have a fabulous fitness day!!!
Happy Wednesday from Heather Hurst Fitness!
Fun fit fact #3: exercise helps prevents signs of aging! Now who doesn’t want that? Feel fit, young and happy!!!!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Tuesday from Heather Hurst Fitness
Fun fit fact #2: music improves workout performance!
So crank your tunes and move your body!!! Will being you joy and wellness!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Monday! Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day devoted to the happiness of the heart! Feed it with fitness! Feed it with excitement!!! Feed it with fun! How about Personal training? Reach out through my website at!
Need a Fun fit fact? Exercise improves brain function!!!
“Together We Will”
Today I got out and did a run even though I didn’t feel like it. So I am patting myself on the back for my determination to my sport. If you are confused by my words, jump over to the post on Olympics.
So good for me… what about you? Fresh air and sunshine is promised for tomorrow and Sunday so take advantage! Relieve stress through nature and sunshine!!!
Hey ever wonder about water? How much to drink? What does it look like if you don’t get enough? Too much? Head over to my water post! Let me know what you think? Send a msg … comment!
Have a great day!
Are you missing your gym? Don't know how to work out on your own? Need some direction and motivation with a healthy dose of fun?? I can help! For those that don’t know me, I am a long time personal trainer and the owner of Heather Hurst Fitness. I love wellness, exercise, recipes and I especially love to share. Vegan? Me too. Hip replacement? Me too! Over 50? Me too! We can use Zoom and when life is safer I am happy to come to your home, or if you prefer, stay with zoom. Jump over to my website at and enjoy some recipes, stories, photos and experiences. Send me an email and ask me lots of questions. I'm excited to hear from you!!!
It’s an ahhhhh moment when these two share!
Sammie didn’t boot her off!!! It’s a NY miracle!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Our New Years was spent picking up a new pup. Audrey is 8 weeks old and 1 of 7 pups born to a lovely Springer Spaniel and a handsome dog who visited from the farm a few doors down. We had thought we would wait … that is until we met her. And we fell in love. The breeders were kind and we had good chats about canoeing and camping and dogs!
Our Sammie is in the “I don’t care” stage so hopefully that changes.
My New Years post was going to be about embracing change and challenges and all that stuff but I think 🤔 this new addition trumps all!
I sadly didn’t make it to midnight last night but I did get to sleep with a crying pup on my floor for a few hours this morning when she wouldn’t go into the cage. It’s like having a baby all over again! Sheesh.
So wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2022! Let’s not dwell on the crap we have around us, but celebrate everything fun that keeps us happy!
I wasn’t going to make coffee right away. It was 4 am and while I had a few “chores” to do, I was really planning on going back to sleep. Our boys are older. They don’t get up early like they used to.
Sammie, our yellow lab got up at 5:15, went outside, had breakfast and promptly went back to bed. Darn dog being able to sleep whenever!
When I realized sleep was not going to visit me again this morning, I put a pot of coffee on. I pulled out our favourite Christmas books and re-read.
I got caught up on email.
I should have run but it was raining and the coffee was ready.
The tree is glowing with lights. The house is incredibly quiet - the only sounds are of Stuart, Our second skinny pig enjoying the piece of apple I gave him.
We lost our BB (my rescued house sparrow) a few weeks ago. I was able to pass on her cage to someone in time for Christmas. I sit here thinking about her and if she were still with us, she would be sitting on the laptop enjoying the warmth of the keyboard. I miss her.
I am not going to reflect on the year - yet. I actually may not go through this mental motion at all. We all know what the year gave us - no need to revisit.
What I will remember though is how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family, kind and loving friends, the ability to exercise and do what I love to do as the owner of Heather Hurst Fitness. How ever the year presented, that’s a pretty good life!
So from our family to yours, here’s wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season and may the love that you share today, carry you through always. 🎄 ❤️
Our boys and sweet Zoe!!!
Almost Christmas 🎄!!!!
Happy Halloween 👻 🎃
This was amazing! “Seeing the Invisible” at the RBG with my mom and sister! Such an experience!!!!!
Happy birthday 🥳 to Lil, my mom in law! 95 years young!!!! She said she has 10 more years in her!!! 🎈 🎉
The beginning of the planting season brought with it lots of excitement and planning. Trying new things this year was my focus. One of them, cantaloupe! I picked one to take on our Sauble trip! So fun to have success! But I had some that didn’t quite live up to expectations too. But you know what… that was ok. At least I gave them a try. And one never knows, I may try some again next year. The biggest harvest was the tomatoes… then cucumbers in second. Oh let’s not forget the garlic and the spring onions! Lettuce? Mmm the rabbits enjoyed! And always success with spices!
Enjoy your fall harvest whatever it is!
The magic of nature!!!
What a race! So hard! So hot! Thanks to Grace for her support in getting me through … Mia for coming out and running with me at the beginning, Mandy for my present and for seeing me cross the finish line and to family and friends for all the support and kindness! That was a hard 50k!
Rock at the Rock… well done RBG! My Mom and I have been sharing out garden and RBG love for many many years - and even though Alzheimer’s messes with her thoughts, her love of plants and flowers is still there!
Our deepest congratulations and love to our wonderful nephew Dave and his beautiful bride Liv… and of course their Frankie! We are so happy for you all! Thank you Eden for texting me the photo!!!! Love to you all!!!!
The magic of Algonquin Park! This year’s destination was Lake Louisa! Thank you for another great trip!
Recently I joined a ladies gold league. I was asked in previous years to join by my friend who kept assuring me I would love it. I lacked the confidence in my game. I thought the other members would get frustrated by my inconsistency in my game and it kept me from joining. This year I threw caution to the wind and signed up. The best decision ever! I am confident in my game but when it’s not a great game I don’t fret. There is always one…or two good shots that remind me golf is a lifelong struggle and I can learn something from every game! And I walk…and I feel strong and fit and the fresh air gives my head some love!
BB is all done her early morning workout - Now time for a nap!
Great 1/2 marathon trail … lots of elevation…. Had a bit of a bonk for a bit but got it back with the help of a gel. However by then I was behind Grace.
Hey run gang… isn’t this a nice bench?!
2nd shot - check! A huge thanks to all the employees and volunteers for making our experience so easy and stress free!!! You are all so greatly appreciated!!!! #givethanksforhealth
Photos from my Canada 🇨🇦 day run!!! Trails I continue to Love run after run, bike after hike! Forever grateful for what we have.
This run was meant to be 20 k but after a bit I realized I just didn’t have it this morning…so we just had fun! Stopped to take photos… did some great hill climbs…enjoyed the trails! Thanks Grace for a great morning!!!
We ran the race in May. And we ran it not on the road but in our lovely trails that we are so lucky to have! My race kit came last week. The races have not been the same of course but I have enjoyed the training and the race day and the excitement of finishing the distance and then the receiving of the medal, shirt and bib. Not in the usual way but hey nothing usual about this year. So thank you to Tamarack Ottawa Marathon for doing the best you can to provide us runners with a fun goal!!!!
We go from birth to being 17 years old today! Happy day to you Quin!!! To an amazingly kind, generous, personable, devoted, smart, talented, creative person! We are so very proud of all you have done! Your love of life, rowing, theatre, music, skateboarding, karate and most of all fun!!! We love you so very much!!!
Forgot this pic!
Great ride with Bob and Mandy!!! Thanks!!!
Last week we were cycling in all the winter gear and this week, +30 degrees!! Such a great ride! Thanks Mandy and Bob!!!!
First vaccine for Quin and Luke - check!
I am always grateful for these trails and for my friends who share my love of running. Thanks to Grace yesterday for another great run!!! 21 k in the trails lifts my spirits and gives me strength! #runtrailsforfun #heatherhurstfitness #friendswholovetorun
I am so grateful to all the employees who have worked around the clock to make this vaccine process go as smooth as it did. I got my second dose today at First Ontario Place and it couldn’t have been easier!!! I am so thankful!!!!!
Golf! I golfed yesterday! This was the first year I joined a ladies league and I played my first game last evening! I have golfed for many years but admittedly not well. I can usually hold my own with a few good shots. And that’s what has kept me interested- sometimes more interested than other times! Thankfully for me my few good shots were at the end of the round - those are the ones most remembered! And I played with two amazing women both whom I will look forward to playing with again! But truly it was just so nice to walk the course, enjoy good conversation and good exercise! I was very grateful for such a wonderful opportunity and am already looking forward to the next game!! Four! PS: my old glove bit the dust and I treated myself to this nice new one - and two very bright very tall tees!!!!
Ahhh a morning walk with the intrepid Sammie ...stalking the wide open fields for the illusive squirrel beast! She is aware the heat is upon us and stalks with purpose! #heatherhurstfitness #Sammiemorningfun
Another beautiful run in the trails. We are so blessed to have all this beauty at our doorstep. I never take the trails for granted and always treat it with the respect and gratitude it deserves. The most inexpensive and enjoyable way to re-set my brain!!!!
Once there were 3 ... I flew away and then there were two....
We had it all didn’t we Grace! Our road run of 38 km started in rain, then moved into terrible winds which never seemed to let up! In my head I was thinking about who could pick us up! Even though I knew we would never bail! Ha ha!!! I never take for granted the power of a friend!!!! Even though we don’t always talk, we know each other is there to support!!! #heatherhurstfitness #friendshipandrunning #beattheweatheragain #anothergreatrun
My only employee- our Sammie! She doesn’t work very hard but she sure does the rest part well!!!
Friend time while doing the thing you love best while wearing a new hat given to you by another friend ... wow doesn’t get much better!!!!
No ice!!!! What a difference a few days make! Monarch is ice free!!! But not mud free !!
Running 35k with a friend is the best therapy!!! Thank you Grace for a fantastic run!!!!
Man that was tough ! 28 km in this snow today! Never stopped ... no traction, deep, wow! But Grace and I managed and finished so big pats on the back!!!
And part two of my lunch time outing , my Sammie time!!
My lunchtime run gave me this... beautiful snow, bright sunshine and remarkable trails! Exercise never lets me down ... always lifts my spirits and provides me with gratitude and love! The fresh air is magic ... do your best today to enjoy what nature is offering us!
I watched the Inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden and the Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the first woman, Black person and Asian American VP of the Unites States. I admit, I had feelings of hope, and happiness feelings of future mendings and of two countries coming together to work together to fight the challenges that face us today. It brought tears to my eyes.
The boys watched on their break and while in the car on our way to the Orthodontist, we listened. What a great speech. They have their challenges for sure. But so do we. And to bring this back into our own backyard, we have our own challenges and our own hope that all we are doing today to stay safe will pay off tomorrow.
And sometimes we have to take a step back from the uneasiness of the world to look inside ourselves to figure out what we need - what we need to feel good - emotionally, mentally, physically. We know physical fitness can provide us with amazing treatments that allow us to get through our days. Walking, running, doing a workout using whatever you have in your house to help you move. Movement gives us strength- not just in our bodies but in our minds! Use your body to help keep your mind at peace and and keep your person in happiness.
I believe so strongly in the above statement ... movement brings us strength! Embrace it and challenge yourself to help yourself! And remember we can all use some help!
Reach out anytime 💚
Happy New year! I bought our clan matching pjs in the hopes of achieving and capturing that amazing family know the one you see all in the commercials or on Facebook! So I finally, on the last night of the tree, begged my family to get their pjs on... pulled all the creatures in (except BB as she decided she wanted to be in her cage) and hoped for the best! So from our family to yours, happy New Year!!!! May health and happiness be with you always!!!!
Today I ran as Santa. I accepted the suit and position with pride and
excitement. It's true that whomever puts on the suit, becomes Santa. It's
not the person inside the suit always but the suit itself that helps to
create a feeling of love and of generosity! As soon as got on Main street
the horns a started. Waves and shouts out of car windows! Hello Santa...way
to go Santa!!! I waved and waved and waved! It was like being in my own
I made it up the Ancaster Hill and just got into the village.
"Hello Santa." A Mother holding her young son's hand were coming out of one
of the streets. The little boy, maybe 3 eyes as big as saucers, "hello
Santa." I stopped and bent down to him. Hello! I said. We chatted. Mostly me
to him - he just nodded. He was so excited. Children at that age really have
the certainty I wish us adults had! Sure I had on the costume, even the
beard but if he was older he would have known it was just a person running
in a costume with a water bladder strapped on her back. But to him, I was
Santa!!! It was magical.
My phone rang at one point - it was the head elf from the North Pole - AKA
my Dad. You always take the call when the head Elf calls! So then I was
running as Santa, waving at the beeping cars and talking to my Dad at the
same time!
I continued along my parade path, waving and smiling! I flipped around at
10km and came back the same way. On the way back down the hill I was
stopped by two hikers. They asked if they could take my photo. They said
they knew Kelly, who is the director of VRPro, who's suit I was wearing and
who's (10km)virtual race I was doing. They were so kind and we chatted for a
few minutes before I headed for home.
I think I may run as Santa again. It was truly a magical 20k!
My Sunday was filled with painting, cleaning, organizing and eating!!! I must have consumed about 1/4 of the tub of peanut butter along with anything I could dip in ...starting with a spoon. I moved to a “wee” (ha ha) bit of vegan ice cream before going back to coffee. And this was only half way through the day.
Today is Monday. A new day. I owned the food I ate the day before, I enjoyed it and I am moving on.
We all make some pretty sketchy food decisions sometimes in to every whim and fancy. Telling ourselves we deserve this.
It’s ok to treat sometimes. Have it. Enjoy it. Then move back to the healthy you! Healthy you will thank you for it!
Happy Monday!
By the way, I turned my Sunday eating around at dinner! My tummy was grateful for that decision!
“Live simply so others can simply live. “
What does that mean to you? For some of us it means paring down our extras and extravagances and living “off the grid.” For others it may mean cutting back on things we think we have to do but really we don’t. And maybe for others it just means trying to live without stresses. Hard to do ... especially right now.
I am a do-er. Adding more to my plate when my plate is already too full; thats me. Then being annoyed when completion is not possible.
My 94 year old mother-in-law quotes the above statement all the time. It’s where I got it from. I don’t know where she got it from. It makes a lot of sense and it makes you think.
“Live simply so others can simply live.” Mmm something to think about while on a run, walk, bike or workout!
Good morning friends! Again another great day! + 13 at 5:30? Wow! I didn’t get out until 6:30 in shorts and t! Could be the last warm one! Get out and enjoy it! As my friend Dan always says ...”the hardest thing is just getting out the door.” #heatherhurstfitness
Hello Helen Vanderburg! #canfitpro2020
Happy 😃 🎂 birthday to our lovely Mother Elaine!! She has Alzheimer’s but is functioning and living well in Meadowlands retirement. We have and continue to do whatever we are able to visit with her, talk with her and Zoom with her! Can’t wait to see her today, in an outside designated space, while wearing a mask, one by one! Whatever it takes!!! Xoxo
I never get tired of running on the Monarch trail. I have been running and walking on this trail for more years than I can remember. I have tripped multiple times on the same root even though I know where it is and have stumbled and slid head first into another tree. And ... believe it or not, I have run right into a fallen tree, with my noggin which knocked me backwards all because I was watching the little bugs on the path! I know brutal.
When we rescued our yellow lab - Sammie - she used to run with me on the shorter runs. She knew exactly where she was going and always had to be in front. She knew every puddle and every stream and frequented them all.
Now she is older and has arthritis and sadly doesn’t run with me anymore. But I still have the “Monarch hikers” asking about her! Kindness!!
The leaves are all off the trees now. They blanket the trails and the paths. It really is beautiful - even with the November bareness. My Mother never liked the month of November - even though my twin siblings birthday is in November and her own. She always thought it was dull. She loves colour! Spring surprises and summer blooms!
I kinda like it. It’s Nature getting ready for what’s to come. It’s preparing the creatures and preparing us. The flora and fauna are given a rest. Taking a well deserved break before the pressures of Spring return.
So today’s run, like all the others, having me stopping to take pictures. Just one more, I say to myself. Then I turn an oh so familiar corner and there it is - the best photo and another and another. You get the “picture.”
So ever have one of those runs where you are enjoying it so much and you feel like your running at the speed of light only to get back and realized you were not fast at all? Today was my day!!!! But it sure was pretty!
According to the radio this morning, it’s National Sandwich Day! It’s also National take your Skinny Pig Harry for a pedicure day! Ok so the latter may not really be a Nationally recognized day ...but in our home it was decided there was a real need. When your Skinny Pig starts hiding his legs under his body, he needs a pedi! So off we went to the pocket-pet vet! And today at dinner time, I decided to abide by the same day declaration and constructed a big vegan sandwich!! Both events were certainly big treats! May I suggest you create your own National day and enjoy every minute! We all deserve some fun!
COVID-19, to say the very least has changed all of us. It's stopped us from
doing all the things we love to do...stopped us from living our life the way
we used to live...stopped us from seeing our friends and loved ones. Our
Mother Elaine is at Meadowlands Retirement home in Ancaster. There are of
course restrictions to keep her and the other residents safe. It's
frustrating and sad for us...and for our Mother who feels stuck. However
Meadowlands, as well as I am sure many other senior residences are doing a
great job keeping our folks safe and healthy. We must be patient and
appreciative of their efforts. My siblings and I are so grateful to the
staff and to be able to schedule distanced meetings with our Mom. I go in
excited, happy and enthusiastic. If I enter the space with frustration and
negativity, my Mother will pick up on this and will also be sad.
Remember, positivity breeds positivity .... Laughter brings on more laughter
and smiles makes everyone feel good!!!!!
Who biked today besides my gang and I?! Don’t let the minus temperatures scare you off. Dress for it and get out! You will not be disappointed! And as my friend Dan always says ...the hardest thing is just getting out the door.
Happy 😊 👻 Halloween 🎃!!
There are days when the time just keeps getting away from you and you begin to think you can’t get your run in. But you go out anyway...put the earbuds in that your borrowed from your son and listen to a few or many Stuart McLean stories. The run is lovely. And while it’s not exciting, it’s enjoyable and calming and you laugh out loud while listening to one story after another - and the kms click by!!
Some folks asked me about the progress of my painting. I got all the doors and trim done. Now on to the next section!! (Not tonight though)
Good morning all!! My mom-in-law Lil was 94 years young yesterday! Obviously we celebrated! I believe in birthdays - a great reason to enjoy a day just for YOU! There is only one day out of 365 that is put aside for YOU! And when you get to Lil’s age, it’s definitely cause for a party!
So when your day comes, make sure you take the time. Because YOU deserve it!!!
Hello friends! Looking for a light snack? I found these in Fortinos - Pop Corners! They are crunchy and lightly salted; a nice alternative to chips! I picked up the sea salt one and the sweet and salty. Obviously the later has cane sugar but still not as bad as Potato chips. I am not knocking the chip - at times there is nothing like it. But if you are like me and always looking for healthy(er) alternate, this one is pretty good!
Lil’s 94th birthday celebration!!!! Lorraine, Lil and I!!!! Wonderful woman wonderful celebration!!
My usual mid week running routine was always one that had me out before the sun. I got used to running in the dark ...before the city woke up. Then my schedule changed and I was able to change to a more human time!
This morning I waited for a short bit, had a very early cup of coffee and watched as the sun first started to wake! I was treated to a sky portrait of various colours and designs...being created as I ran! I will remember this when I am feeling indifferent to early outings! Whatever your exercise of choice, try to experience some early morning magic!! You won’t be disappointed!
We are all looking to change..change our way of thinking...change the way we deal with our new life...change our body...our hair...our clothes.
How about the literal change? How about doing something fun that will bring you instant satisfaction and a great feeling of accomplishment. How about painting!!!! I don’t mean learning to paint a picture although that can be fun too. I mean painting a wall or two! Unleashing your creativity you didn’t even know you had.
I bought paint in the summer. Door/trim paint as well as a colour I was going to take through the entire upper level. An overwhelming project. So the paint sat unused in the corner - hidden away from my guilt. Until today!
I cycled with my group this morning. Came home and after my coffee got all my supplies out. I listened to a football game on the TV. I don’t watch football or know anything about who was playing but the excitement of the announcers kept me going.
And if you think you don’t get a workout in while painting are mistaken! Functional training friends! Lunging, squatting, overhead lifts, oblique twists, stretching
...It’s all there!
So have some fun...enjoy yourself and after you are done you can congratulate yourself on the change you just made!
Today I am grateful for nature! I love to run ...and I love the trails. But today became a day where so many other things came before running. When I finally got out I only had a small amount of time. I was ok with that. But then my legs didn’t want to work that hard. So instead of being annoyed, I decided to just take in all the nature that surrounded me! So I will not worry about how poorly I ran or that I didn’t get in my long run, but will be thankful for having the opportunity to take in nature’s movie! Peace to all!!!
Forgot a couple. Not great pics but ...the photographer was an volunteer! Ha ha
Happy Thursday! We had a puppy party this morning! Very exclusive guest list. Sammie, Lazer, Luke and I! What excitement! No music was played, no dancing was done, only dog biscuits were served and only to the 4-legged guests..but boy it was truly a blast!
I highly suggest mimicking this event - great exercise for the body and soul! Party on Sammie...Party on Lazer!
Hello Monarch my old friend! Your beauty never ceases to amaze me and my run matched your leaves - golden! The only downfall ...I kept stopping to take pictures!!
You know times have changed when you are so excited to receive an original “Christine Conroy” mask in the mail!!! I love it! Thank you!
Looking for a pick me up! Go get your toes done - add a fun design. My choice for October was black with a spiderweb! Add your sister into the mix and you have a beautiful hour!!!
Don’t put your bikes away yet! We enjoyed a fabulous ride on roads I had never been on to see sites I have not encountered! My cycling began about 8 years ago. It was meant to be a change from running, to give my deteriorating hip a break...who knew i would fall in love so much! And no I ever stopped running, added Triathlons and half Ironman races into the mix, had my hip replaced and picked up where I left off! Thankful for my health and for this day! Looking to many more explorative rides!
We’re not afraid of a little rain!!!! No way! We don’t shy away from the rain - we have fun in it! 25km run worth of fun with a run through Sherman Falls! Thanks Grace For another great morning run with lots of elevation and beautiful scenery- and the best company!
Need to feel zippy again but not sure how? What about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new ...or better yet, re-try something you have attempted before. I think mine will be! I am going to re-visit yoga! Wish me luck! #thefitnessperscription #yogaagain
Meet Lucky - the Vegan Turkey! He safely and happily takes his place annually on our table! Just about time for him to leave for another year. Have a great year Lucky! See ya next year!
Sammie watching BB or BB watching Sammie? And of course our Harry!!! #skinnypiglove
#Happy Thanksgiving or #Happy Sunday.
To me Sunday’s have always been the day of rest - the day of no training -the day of being with family. It meant listening to Stuart McLean on CBC at noon. Sometimes baking. Today is no different. I now must listen to stories on CD. This is my baking. An healthy alternative to pie ! A GF, Vegan apple crisp! I will post the recipe!
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A Good Friday morning run complete with sunshine! Thanks Alex and Mia for a wonderful run!
Another Bay race completed! We were so lucky to have the day we had weather wise! It was a lovely race and I am thankful for our fiends Mia, Bob and my sister Suzanne who came out to cheer us on! Fantastic to see Allison and Sarah in our run coral as well!!!
Now back into the trails for the May 50. But not before a few days of R&R! Congratulations to Alex and Grace for an awesome run and to a those that were out yesterday!!!
And again a huge thank you to the countless volunteers!!
Here we go again… another Bay race! Wishing all the runners a great race today! And thank you to the countless volunteers that make this race possible!!!
What a beautiful getaway ! Our rental was everything we wanted (and more) and the skiing/conditions were fabulous! Calabogie is a beautiful area, a nice hill and our cabin in the woods- well again we couldn’t have been happier!!!
The holidays are just around the corner. Are you still reluctantly wondering through the malls trying to find that perfect gift? Or maybe your looking for something for yourself?
Why not give a gift that will bring your loved one or you wellness, strength and a commitment to personal care?
A gift that will be around long after the trees, lights, and baubles are all put away. Make 2023 a year to achieve your fitness goals!
You choose either on line or in person in your own home!
Reach out to me - for more information on Personal Training and wellness coaching!
“Together We Will”
Happy 16th BBH - we ❤️ you!!!
Odd I thought I posted and it went to Facebook. Move into Brock a success! Rowing started last week, classes start this week! Woot woot to 2022-23!!!
And just like that, he’s moved into res for the start of his university education at Brock! So easy … everyone so supportive and kind ! Rowing started last week and he was billeted at the senior’s house for the week! Go Badgers!
Making good food choices does not have to be limited to eating at home. My sister, our boys and I have been away all week and we have enjoyed good healthy foods all week - with some scrumptious treats thrown in for some away fun!
Watermelon - the fruit of the summer is packed with lycopene - the most of any fruit/veg! It also contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin A and C! Boasts antioxidants and contains citrulline - an amino acid which may improve exercise performance!
So being away doesn’t have to mean an over abundance of junk food indulgence! Make the same good choices as you would at home! Make your food fun and make it work for you!!!
The boys!!!!
Gardens are blooming all over! The woods show off their wild flowers and trees their leaves. Tulips are still in show but making way for what’s coming next. Gardens cleaned, new dirt added readying for natures next adventures!
Ever wonder what the benefit of gardening is to you?
The first one that comes to my mind is the physical fitness piece! Bending, squatting, reaching, pulling, digging, twisting! You are actually working your full body! Core, upper body, lower body! I bet sometimes you don’t even notice you have a sweat on!! Congratulations you just worked out!
The second one that I always think about is how good I feel during and after being in my gardens. I love the work. I love the satisfaction of cleaning up - preparing the soil for what is to come!
And who doesn’t love the planting stage!!! All this provides us with a healthy mental state - an excitement and a fulfillment of a job well done!
And a good dose of Vitamin D - a huge benefit to your bones and immune system!
So go out and play in some dirt! And remember to have fun!
Welcome to Monday. Yes it’s raining but don’t let that put a damper on your exercise. Why not try indoor stair climbing!
* promotes cardiovascular fitness
* convenient and easily accessible
* promotes healthy bones and lowers the risk of osteoporosis
* fires up the lower body muscles
* engages your core muscles like mad
* helps to burn body fat
So get into your exercise clothes, lace up those trainers, pump up the music and climb away!
Want or need more? Reach out!
#Together We Will!
Are you distracted by life’s commitments? Beating yourself up about missed workouts? I can help you keep your goals with accountability appointments with me! Send me an email and we can start building your fitness future!
#Together we will!
Congratulation to all those runners who ran!! And to all the spectators who cheered on their athletes! And the many volunteers who made the race possible! And on a personal note, to all my group who helped me and all the folks that took the time to wish me well!!!You are all winners!
See you next year for the 129th anniversary!
The oldest race in North America is back in action this Sunday! As a participant in the 30 k, I am excited to be a member of this pack and am looking forward to participating in some good chats with fellow runners along the way - and hoping to see some of my own friends!
Thanking all the spectators that will flock the streets to cheer, ring cow bells and wave their signs! Thank you in advance as it always does help!
And thanks in advance to my group who I will also see!
And mainly, wishing all the fabulous runners a great race! Have fun and enjoy!!!
I am a morning person. Up early. Today is Saturday March 19 … it’s my birthday… also a run morning with my group but not until 9. So what do I do in the meantime, make some vegan apple fritters for later!!! I know I know health, wellness, sensible eating .. but hey on your special day, you need to “live large.”
Have a great Saturday all!!!!
Did you know…
Regular exercise has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are two major risk factors for heart disease.
So keep your heart happy and healthy by moving your body daily!!!
Visit for all your fitness needs.
Happy Friday!
Fun fit fact #4
Did you know, a pound of muscle burns 3 times more calories than a pound of fat?
Just one more reason to exercise!!!
Have a fabulous fitness day!!!
Happy Wednesday from Heather Hurst Fitness!
Fun fit fact #3: exercise helps prevents signs of aging! Now who doesn’t want that? Feel fit, young and happy!!!!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Tuesday from Heather Hurst Fitness
Fun fit fact #2: music improves workout performance!
So crank your tunes and move your body!!! Will being you joy and wellness!
Enjoy your day!
Happy Monday! Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day devoted to the happiness of the heart! Feed it with fitness! Feed it with excitement!!! Feed it with fun! How about Personal training? Reach out through my website at!
Need a Fun fit fact? Exercise improves brain function!!!
“Together We Will”
Today I got out and did a run even though I didn’t feel like it. So I am patting myself on the back for my determination to my sport. If you are confused by my words, jump over to the post on Olympics.
So good for me… what about you? Fresh air and sunshine is promised for tomorrow and Sunday so take advantage! Relieve stress through nature and sunshine!!!
Hey ever wonder about water? How much to drink? What does it look like if you don’t get enough? Too much? Head over to my water post! Let me know what you think? Send a msg … comment!
Have a great day!
Are you missing your gym? Don't know how to work out on your own? Need some direction and motivation with a healthy dose of fun?? I can help! For those that don’t know me, I am a long time personal trainer and the owner of Heather Hurst Fitness. I love wellness, exercise, recipes and I especially love to share. Vegan? Me too. Hip replacement? Me too! Over 50? Me too! We can use Zoom and when life is safer I am happy to come to your home, or if you prefer, stay with zoom. Jump over to my website at and enjoy some recipes, stories, photos and experiences. Send me an email and ask me lots of questions. I'm excited to hear from you!!!
It’s an ahhhhh moment when these two share!
Sammie didn’t boot her off!!! It’s a NY miracle!!!!!
Happy New Year!!!
Our New Years was spent picking up a new pup. Audrey is 8 weeks old and 1 of 7 pups born to a lovely Springer Spaniel and a handsome dog who visited from the farm a few doors down. We had thought we would wait … that is until we met her. And we fell in love. The breeders were kind and we had good chats about canoeing and camping and dogs!
Our Sammie is in the “I don’t care” stage so hopefully that changes.
My New Years post was going to be about embracing change and challenges and all that stuff but I think 🤔 this new addition trumps all!
I sadly didn’t make it to midnight last night but I did get to sleep with a crying pup on my floor for a few hours this morning when she wouldn’t go into the cage. It’s like having a baby all over again! Sheesh.
So wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2022! Let’s not dwell on the crap we have around us, but celebrate everything fun that keeps us happy!
I wasn’t going to make coffee right away. It was 4 am and while I had a few “chores” to do, I was really planning on going back to sleep. Our boys are older. They don’t get up early like they used to.
Sammie, our yellow lab got up at 5:15, went outside, had breakfast and promptly went back to bed. Darn dog being able to sleep whenever!
When I realized sleep was not going to visit me again this morning, I put a pot of coffee on. I pulled out our favourite Christmas books and re-read.
I got caught up on email.
I should have run but it was raining and the coffee was ready.
The tree is glowing with lights. The house is incredibly quiet - the only sounds are of Stuart, Our second skinny pig enjoying the piece of apple I gave him.
We lost our BB (my rescued house sparrow) a few weeks ago. I was able to pass on her cage to someone in time for Christmas. I sit here thinking about her and if she were still with us, she would be sitting on the laptop enjoying the warmth of the keyboard. I miss her.
I am not going to reflect on the year - yet. I actually may not go through this mental motion at all. We all know what the year gave us - no need to revisit.
What I will remember though is how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family, kind and loving friends, the ability to exercise and do what I love to do as the owner of Heather Hurst Fitness. How ever the year presented, that’s a pretty good life!
So from our family to yours, here’s wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season and may the love that you share today, carry you through always. 🎄 ❤️
Our boys and sweet Zoe!!!
Almost Christmas 🎄!!!!
Happy Halloween 👻 🎃
This was amazing! “Seeing the Invisible” at the RBG with my mom and sister! Such an experience!!!!!
Happy birthday 🥳 to Lil, my mom in law! 95 years young!!!! She said she has 10 more years in her!!! 🎈 🎉
The beginning of the planting season brought with it lots of excitement and planning. Trying new things this year was my focus. One of them, cantaloupe! I picked one to take on our Sauble trip! So fun to have success! But I had some that didn’t quite live up to expectations too. But you know what… that was ok. At least I gave them a try. And one never knows, I may try some again next year. The biggest harvest was the tomatoes… then cucumbers in second. Oh let’s not forget the garlic and the spring onions! Lettuce? Mmm the rabbits enjoyed! And always success with spices!
Enjoy your fall harvest whatever it is!
The magic of nature!!!
What a race! So hard! So hot! Thanks to Grace for her support in getting me through … Mia for coming out and running with me at the beginning, Mandy for my present and for seeing me cross the finish line and to family and friends for all the support and kindness! That was a hard 50k!
Rock at the Rock… well done RBG! My Mom and I have been sharing out garden and RBG love for many many years - and even though Alzheimer’s messes with her thoughts, her love of plants and flowers is still there!
Our deepest congratulations and love to our wonderful nephew Dave and his beautiful bride Liv… and of course their Frankie! We are so happy for you all! Thank you Eden for texting me the photo!!!! Love to you all!!!!
The magic of Algonquin Park! This year’s destination was Lake Louisa! Thank you for another great trip!
Recently I joined a ladies gold league. I was asked in previous years to join by my friend who kept assuring me I would love it. I lacked the confidence in my game. I thought the other members would get frustrated by my inconsistency in my game and it kept me from joining. This year I threw caution to the wind and signed up. The best decision ever! I am confident in my game but when it’s not a great game I don’t fret. There is always one…or two good shots that remind me golf is a lifelong struggle and I can learn something from every game! And I walk…and I feel strong and fit and the fresh air gives my head some love!
BB is all done her early morning workout - Now time for a nap!
Great 1/2 marathon trail … lots of elevation…. Had a bit of a bonk for a bit but got it back with the help of a gel. However by then I was behind Grace.
Hey run gang… isn’t this a nice bench?!
2nd shot - check! A huge thanks to all the employees and volunteers for making our experience so easy and stress free!!! You are all so greatly appreciated!!!! #givethanksforhealth
Photos from my Canada 🇨🇦 day run!!! Trails I continue to Love run after run, bike after hike! Forever grateful for what we have.
This run was meant to be 20 k but after a bit I realized I just didn’t have it this morning…so we just had fun! Stopped to take photos… did some great hill climbs…enjoyed the trails! Thanks Grace for a great morning!!!
We ran the race in May. And we ran it not on the road but in our lovely trails that we are so lucky to have! My race kit came last week. The races have not been the same of course but I have enjoyed the training and the race day and the excitement of finishing the distance and then the receiving of the medal, shirt and bib. Not in the usual way but hey nothing usual about this year. So thank you to Tamarack Ottawa Marathon for doing the best you can to provide us runners with a fun goal!!!!
We go from birth to being 17 years old today! Happy day to you Quin!!! To an amazingly kind, generous, personable, devoted, smart, talented, creative person! We are so very proud of all you have done! Your love of life, rowing, theatre, music, skateboarding, karate and most of all fun!!! We love you so very much!!!
Forgot this pic!
Great ride with Bob and Mandy!!! Thanks!!!
Last week we were cycling in all the winter gear and this week, +30 degrees!! Such a great ride! Thanks Mandy and Bob!!!!
First vaccine for Quin and Luke - check!
I am always grateful for these trails and for my friends who share my love of running. Thanks to Grace yesterday for another great run!!! 21 k in the trails lifts my spirits and gives me strength! #runtrailsforfun #heatherhurstfitness #friendswholovetorun
I am so grateful to all the employees who have worked around the clock to make this vaccine process go as smooth as it did. I got my second dose today at First Ontario Place and it couldn’t have been easier!!! I am so thankful!!!!!
Golf! I golfed yesterday! This was the first year I joined a ladies league and I played my first game last evening! I have golfed for many years but admittedly not well. I can usually hold my own with a few good shots. And that’s what has kept me interested- sometimes more interested than other times! Thankfully for me my few good shots were at the end of the round - those are the ones most remembered! And I played with two amazing women both whom I will look forward to playing with again! But truly it was just so nice to walk the course, enjoy good conversation and good exercise! I was very grateful for such a wonderful opportunity and am already looking forward to the next game!! Four! PS: my old glove bit the dust and I treated myself to this nice new one - and two very bright very tall tees!!!!
Ahhh a morning walk with the intrepid Sammie ...stalking the wide open fields for the illusive squirrel beast! She is aware the heat is upon us and stalks with purpose! #heatherhurstfitness #Sammiemorningfun
Another beautiful run in the trails. We are so blessed to have all this beauty at our doorstep. I never take the trails for granted and always treat it with the respect and gratitude it deserves. The most inexpensive and enjoyable way to re-set my brain!!!!
Once there were 3 ... I flew away and then there were two....
We had it all didn’t we Grace! Our road run of 38 km started in rain, then moved into terrible winds which never seemed to let up! In my head I was thinking about who could pick us up! Even though I knew we would never bail! Ha ha!!! I never take for granted the power of a friend!!!! Even though we don’t always talk, we know each other is there to support!!! #heatherhurstfitness #friendshipandrunning #beattheweatheragain #anothergreatrun
My only employee- our Sammie! She doesn’t work very hard but she sure does the rest part well!!!
Friend time while doing the thing you love best while wearing a new hat given to you by another friend ... wow doesn’t get much better!!!!
No ice!!!! What a difference a few days make! Monarch is ice free!!! But not mud free !!
Running 35k with a friend is the best therapy!!! Thank you Grace for a fantastic run!!!!
Man that was tough ! 28 km in this snow today! Never stopped ... no traction, deep, wow! But Grace and I managed and finished so big pats on the back!!!
And part two of my lunch time outing , my Sammie time!!
My lunchtime run gave me this... beautiful snow, bright sunshine and remarkable trails! Exercise never lets me down ... always lifts my spirits and provides me with gratitude and love! The fresh air is magic ... do your best today to enjoy what nature is offering us!
I watched the Inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden and the Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the first woman, Black person and Asian American VP of the Unites States. I admit, I had feelings of hope, and happiness feelings of future mendings and of two countries coming together to work together to fight the challenges that face us today. It brought tears to my eyes.
The boys watched on their break and while in the car on our way to the Orthodontist, we listened. What a great speech. They have their challenges for sure. But so do we. And to bring this back into our own backyard, we have our own challenges and our own hope that all we are doing today to stay safe will pay off tomorrow.
And sometimes we have to take a step back from the uneasiness of the world to look inside ourselves to figure out what we need - what we need to feel good - emotionally, mentally, physically. We know physical fitness can provide us with amazing treatments that allow us to get through our days. Walking, running, doing a workout using whatever you have in your house to help you move. Movement gives us strength- not just in our bodies but in our minds! Use your body to help keep your mind at peace and and keep your person in happiness.
I believe so strongly in the above statement ... movement brings us strength! Embrace it and challenge yourself to help yourself! And remember we can all use some help!
Reach out anytime 💚
Happy New year! I bought our clan matching pjs in the hopes of achieving and capturing that amazing family know the one you see all in the commercials or on Facebook! So I finally, on the last night of the tree, begged my family to get their pjs on... pulled all the creatures in (except BB as she decided she wanted to be in her cage) and hoped for the best! So from our family to yours, happy New Year!!!! May health and happiness be with you always!!!!
Today I ran as Santa. I accepted the suit and position with pride and
excitement. It's true that whomever puts on the suit, becomes Santa. It's
not the person inside the suit always but the suit itself that helps to
create a feeling of love and of generosity! As soon as got on Main street
the horns a started. Waves and shouts out of car windows! Hello Santa...way
to go Santa!!! I waved and waved and waved! It was like being in my own
I made it up the Ancaster Hill and just got into the village.
"Hello Santa." A Mother holding her young son's hand were coming out of one
of the streets. The little boy, maybe 3 eyes as big as saucers, "hello
Santa." I stopped and bent down to him. Hello! I said. We chatted. Mostly me
to him - he just nodded. He was so excited. Children at that age really have
the certainty I wish us adults had! Sure I had on the costume, even the
beard but if he was older he would have known it was just a person running
in a costume with a water bladder strapped on her back. But to him, I was
Santa!!! It was magical.
My phone rang at one point - it was the head elf from the North Pole - AKA
my Dad. You always take the call when the head Elf calls! So then I was
running as Santa, waving at the beeping cars and talking to my Dad at the
same time!
I continued along my parade path, waving and smiling! I flipped around at
10km and came back the same way. On the way back down the hill I was
stopped by two hikers. They asked if they could take my photo. They said
they knew Kelly, who is the director of VRPro, who's suit I was wearing and
who's (10km)virtual race I was doing. They were so kind and we chatted for a
few minutes before I headed for home.
I think I may run as Santa again. It was truly a magical 20k!
My Sunday was filled with painting, cleaning, organizing and eating!!! I must have consumed about 1/4 of the tub of peanut butter along with anything I could dip in ...starting with a spoon. I moved to a “wee” (ha ha) bit of vegan ice cream before going back to coffee. And this was only half way through the day.
Today is Monday. A new day. I owned the food I ate the day before, I enjoyed it and I am moving on.
We all make some pretty sketchy food decisions sometimes in to every whim and fancy. Telling ourselves we deserve this.
It’s ok to treat sometimes. Have it. Enjoy it. Then move back to the healthy you! Healthy you will thank you for it!
Happy Monday!
By the way, I turned my Sunday eating around at dinner! My tummy was grateful for that decision!
“Live simply so others can simply live. “
What does that mean to you? For some of us it means paring down our extras and extravagances and living “off the grid.” For others it may mean cutting back on things we think we have to do but really we don’t. And maybe for others it just means trying to live without stresses. Hard to do ... especially right now.
I am a do-er. Adding more to my plate when my plate is already too full; thats me. Then being annoyed when completion is not possible.
My 94 year old mother-in-law quotes the above statement all the time. It’s where I got it from. I don’t know where she got it from. It makes a lot of sense and it makes you think.
“Live simply so others can simply live.” Mmm something to think about while on a run, walk, bike or workout!
Good morning friends! Again another great day! + 13 at 5:30? Wow! I didn’t get out until 6:30 in shorts and t! Could be the last warm one! Get out and enjoy it! As my friend Dan always says ...”the hardest thing is just getting out the door.” #heatherhurstfitness
Hello Helen Vanderburg! #canfitpro2020
Happy 😃 🎂 birthday to our lovely Mother Elaine!! She has Alzheimer’s but is functioning and living well in Meadowlands retirement. We have and continue to do whatever we are able to visit with her, talk with her and Zoom with her! Can’t wait to see her today, in an outside designated space, while wearing a mask, one by one! Whatever it takes!!! Xoxo
I never get tired of running on the Monarch trail. I have been running and walking on this trail for more years than I can remember. I have tripped multiple times on the same root even though I know where it is and have stumbled and slid head first into another tree. And ... believe it or not, I have run right into a fallen tree, with my noggin which knocked me backwards all because I was watching the little bugs on the path! I know brutal.
When we rescued our yellow lab - Sammie - she used to run with me on the shorter runs. She knew exactly where she was going and always had to be in front. She knew every puddle and every stream and frequented them all.
Now she is older and has arthritis and sadly doesn’t run with me anymore. But I still have the “Monarch hikers” asking about her! Kindness!!
The leaves are all off the trees now. They blanket the trails and the paths. It really is beautiful - even with the November bareness. My Mother never liked the month of November - even though my twin siblings birthday is in November and her own. She always thought it was dull. She loves colour! Spring surprises and summer blooms!
I kinda like it. It’s Nature getting ready for what’s to come. It’s preparing the creatures and preparing us. The flora and fauna are given a rest. Taking a well deserved break before the pressures of Spring return.
So today’s run, like all the others, having me stopping to take pictures. Just one more, I say to myself. Then I turn an oh so familiar corner and there it is - the best photo and another and another. You get the “picture.”
So ever have one of those runs where you are enjoying it so much and you feel like your running at the speed of light only to get back and realized you were not fast at all? Today was my day!!!! But it sure was pretty!
According to the radio this morning, it’s National Sandwich Day! It’s also National take your Skinny Pig Harry for a pedicure day! Ok so the latter may not really be a Nationally recognized day ...but in our home it was decided there was a real need. When your Skinny Pig starts hiding his legs under his body, he needs a pedi! So off we went to the pocket-pet vet! And today at dinner time, I decided to abide by the same day declaration and constructed a big vegan sandwich!! Both events were certainly big treats! May I suggest you create your own National day and enjoy every minute! We all deserve some fun!
COVID-19, to say the very least has changed all of us. It's stopped us from
doing all the things we love to do...stopped us from living our life the way
we used to live...stopped us from seeing our friends and loved ones. Our
Mother Elaine is at Meadowlands Retirement home in Ancaster. There are of
course restrictions to keep her and the other residents safe. It's
frustrating and sad for us...and for our Mother who feels stuck. However
Meadowlands, as well as I am sure many other senior residences are doing a
great job keeping our folks safe and healthy. We must be patient and
appreciative of their efforts. My siblings and I are so grateful to the
staff and to be able to schedule distanced meetings with our Mom. I go in
excited, happy and enthusiastic. If I enter the space with frustration and
negativity, my Mother will pick up on this and will also be sad.
Remember, positivity breeds positivity .... Laughter brings on more laughter
and smiles makes everyone feel good!!!!!
Who biked today besides my gang and I?! Don’t let the minus temperatures scare you off. Dress for it and get out! You will not be disappointed! And as my friend Dan always says ...the hardest thing is just getting out the door.
Happy 😊 👻 Halloween 🎃!!
There are days when the time just keeps getting away from you and you begin to think you can’t get your run in. But you go out anyway...put the earbuds in that your borrowed from your son and listen to a few or many Stuart McLean stories. The run is lovely. And while it’s not exciting, it’s enjoyable and calming and you laugh out loud while listening to one story after another - and the kms click by!!
Some folks asked me about the progress of my painting. I got all the doors and trim done. Now on to the next section!! (Not tonight though)
Good morning all!! My mom-in-law Lil was 94 years young yesterday! Obviously we celebrated! I believe in birthdays - a great reason to enjoy a day just for YOU! There is only one day out of 365 that is put aside for YOU! And when you get to Lil’s age, it’s definitely cause for a party!
So when your day comes, make sure you take the time. Because YOU deserve it!!!
Hello friends! Looking for a light snack? I found these in Fortinos - Pop Corners! They are crunchy and lightly salted; a nice alternative to chips! I picked up the sea salt one and the sweet and salty. Obviously the later has cane sugar but still not as bad as Potato chips. I am not knocking the chip - at times there is nothing like it. But if you are like me and always looking for healthy(er) alternate, this one is pretty good!
Lil’s 94th birthday celebration!!!! Lorraine, Lil and I!!!! Wonderful woman wonderful celebration!!
My usual mid week running routine was always one that had me out before the sun. I got used to running in the dark ...before the city woke up. Then my schedule changed and I was able to change to a more human time!
This morning I waited for a short bit, had a very early cup of coffee and watched as the sun first started to wake! I was treated to a sky portrait of various colours and designs...being created as I ran! I will remember this when I am feeling indifferent to early outings! Whatever your exercise of choice, try to experience some early morning magic!! You won’t be disappointed!
We are all looking to change..change our way of thinking...change the way we deal with our new life...change our body...our hair...our clothes.
How about the literal change? How about doing something fun that will bring you instant satisfaction and a great feeling of accomplishment. How about painting!!!! I don’t mean learning to paint a picture although that can be fun too. I mean painting a wall or two! Unleashing your creativity you didn’t even know you had.
I bought paint in the summer. Door/trim paint as well as a colour I was going to take through the entire upper level. An overwhelming project. So the paint sat unused in the corner - hidden away from my guilt. Until today!
I cycled with my group this morning. Came home and after my coffee got all my supplies out. I listened to a football game on the TV. I don’t watch football or know anything about who was playing but the excitement of the announcers kept me going.
And if you think you don’t get a workout in while painting are mistaken! Functional training friends! Lunging, squatting, overhead lifts, oblique twists, stretching
...It’s all there!
So have some fun...enjoy yourself and after you are done you can congratulate yourself on the change you just made!
Today I am grateful for nature! I love to run ...and I love the trails. But today became a day where so many other things came before running. When I finally got out I only had a small amount of time. I was ok with that. But then my legs didn’t want to work that hard. So instead of being annoyed, I decided to just take in all the nature that surrounded me! So I will not worry about how poorly I ran or that I didn’t get in my long run, but will be thankful for having the opportunity to take in nature’s movie! Peace to all!!!
Forgot a couple. Not great pics but ...the photographer was an volunteer! Ha ha
Happy Thursday! We had a puppy party this morning! Very exclusive guest list. Sammie, Lazer, Luke and I! What excitement! No music was played, no dancing was done, only dog biscuits were served and only to the 4-legged guests..but boy it was truly a blast!
I highly suggest mimicking this event - great exercise for the body and soul! Party on Sammie...Party on Lazer!
Hello Monarch my old friend! Your beauty never ceases to amaze me and my run matched your leaves - golden! The only downfall ...I kept stopping to take pictures!!
You know times have changed when you are so excited to receive an original “Christine Conroy” mask in the mail!!! I love it! Thank you!
Looking for a pick me up! Go get your toes done - add a fun design. My choice for October was black with a spiderweb! Add your sister into the mix and you have a beautiful hour!!!
Don’t put your bikes away yet! We enjoyed a fabulous ride on roads I had never been on to see sites I have not encountered! My cycling began about 8 years ago. It was meant to be a change from running, to give my deteriorating hip a break...who knew i would fall in love so much! And no I ever stopped running, added Triathlons and half Ironman races into the mix, had my hip replaced and picked up where I left off! Thankful for my health and for this day! Looking to many more explorative rides!
We’re not afraid of a little rain!!!! No way! We don’t shy away from the rain - we have fun in it! 25km run worth of fun with a run through Sherman Falls! Thanks Grace For another great morning run with lots of elevation and beautiful scenery- and the best company!
Need to feel zippy again but not sure how? What about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new ...or better yet, re-try something you have attempted before. I think mine will be! I am going to re-visit yoga! Wish me luck! #thefitnessperscription #yogaagain
Meet Lucky - the Vegan Turkey! He safely and happily takes his place annually on our table! Just about time for him to leave for another year. Have a great year Lucky! See ya next year!
Sammie watching BB or BB watching Sammie? And of course our Harry!!! #skinnypiglove
#Happy Thanksgiving or #Happy Sunday.
To me Sunday’s have always been the day of rest - the day of no training -the day of being with family. It meant listening to Stuart McLean on CBC at noon. Sometimes baking. Today is no different. I now must listen to stories on CD. This is my baking. An healthy alternative to pie ! A GF, Vegan apple crisp! I will post the recipe!